
Josh Maynard


Josh started playing guitar in high school around the same time that Tommy did. In fact, they used to sit and try to learn chords together while looking at a guitar chord poster hanging on the bedroom wall. Josh also had an interest in playing the drums. For graduation, he got his first drum set. Soon after, Tommy, Matt and Josh formed their first band with Josh on drums. After a couple of role changes, Josh ended up on guitar. 

Guitar oriented rock was the music that meant the most to Josh. He grew up looking through his uncles vinyl collection and became a huge KISS fan. Once exposed to that era of rock n roll, it led to a journey of discovery of all the great bands and artists one by one and caused him to love music even more.

Josh has played music since high school, being in bands off and on ever since. He has played with Tommy several times over the years and crossed paths in bands with awesome artists such as Sean Whiting and even had the pleasure to jam with Tyler Childers years ago. He states It’s hard for him to pick any influences on the bass due to the fact that he only picked up the bass in 2022 out of necessity because there were three guitar players and no bassist 😂.

When he is not maintaining the low end in Guns For Hire, Josh enjoys spending time with his amazing wife and kids. He loves to collect and listen to vinyl records and has recently started back with collecting sports cards. He loves traveling and makes it his mission to find the best steak everywhere he travels to!